Washbasin and tap freely selectable

Washbasins are not sold separately, but are already included in the purchase price of your washbasin. They can, however, be exchanged on request.

Enclosed you will find an overview of our Land & Liebe washbasins, i.e. the basins that we most frequently combine with with our washbasins. We have many years of very good experience with the quality of the following basins basins. Of course, you can also combine the branded basins presented below for an extra charge or choose a basin of your choice. choose your own basin. We will be happy to check whether this is compatible with your desired washbasin.

Top shells with tap hole

Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 42.5cm X height 15cm X depth 44.5cm
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 60cm X height 22cm X depth 39.5cm
  • Basin with overflow
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 46.5cm X height 18cm X depth 46.5cm
  • Basin with overflow
  • Angular built-in washbasin with tap hole

    Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 82cm X height 18cm X depth 47cm
  • Basin with overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin

    "Cape Town"

  • approx. width 60cm X height 18cm X depth 46.5cm
  • Basin with overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 70cm X height 16.5cm X depth 46cm
  • Basin with overflow
  • Photo of washbasin

    "New York"

  • ca. Breite 61cm X Höhe 18cm X Tiefe 40,5cm
  • "Small Cape Town" basin with overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 120cm X height 18cm X depth 46.5cm
  • Basin with overflow!
  • Freestanding washbasins & bowls

    Photo of washbasin


  • ca. Breite 40,0cm X Höhe 15,0cm X Tiefe 40,0cm
  • Photo of washbasin


  • ca. Breite 40,0cm X Höhe 15,0cm X Tiefe 40,0cm
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 50cm X height 8.5cm X depth 35cm
  • "Little Miami"
  • Photo of washbasin

    River stone basin

  • approx. width 0cm X height 0cm X depth 0cm
  • Individual dimensions depending on the size of the washbasin! We will be happy to provide you with a selection of river stone basins for your desired washbasin on request.
  • Photo of washbasin


  • ca. Breite 40cm X Höhe 15cm X Tiefe 40cm
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 38cm X height 16cm X depth 38cm
  • Basin with overflow - "large Honolulu"
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 32cm X height 14cm X depth 32cm
  • Washbasin without overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin


  • ca. Breite 40,0cm X Höhe 12,0cm X Tiefe 40,0cm
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 40.5cm X height 15cm X depth 40.5cm
  • Washbasin without overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 68.5cm X height 12cm X depth 43.5cm
  • Washbasin without overflow
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 40.5cm X height 14cm X depth 33cm
  • Washbasin without overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 41.5cm X height 13cm X depth 41.5cm
  • Washbasin without overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 28cm X height 10cm X depth 28cm
  • Washbasin without overflow!
  • Rectangular countertop washbasin with tap hole

    Photo of washbasin


  • ca. Breite 80cm X Höhe 20cm X Tiefe 50cm
  • Sink for the kitchen
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 76cm X height 14.5cm X depth 42.5cm
  • Basin with overflow!
  • Round built-in washbasin with tap hole

    Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 53cm X height 18cm X depth 41cm
  • of which 1 cm edge
  • Photo of washbasin


  • approx. width 56cm X height 18cm X depth 46cm
  • Basin with overflow!
  • Villeroy & Boch instead of our standard basins?

    With our Land & Liebe washbasins, i.e. the basins that we most frequently combine with our washbasins we have had many years of very good experience with the quality of the basins. Of course of course you are welcome to combine, for example, a branded basin with your washbasin for an additional charge, or even a completely different basin of your own choice - always basin of your choice - provided it fits the dimensions of the table top.

    In principle, you can always use any of your own basins instead of our suggestion, as the washbasins are only cut to size after purchase (exception: built-in basins). Enclosed you will find some brand basins that are frequently used by customers as a replacement for our washbasins. Please make sure make sure that the basin fits on the table top of your desired washbasin. Surcharge on request approx. 150-320€. Please note: For branded basins in combination with a marble or granite worktop, a separate a separate cut is required, as we do not have the necessary equipment and the cut-outs have to be made by a stonemason. cut-outs are made by a stonemason. There is also a surcharge for this, which is determined individually. determined individually.

    Photo of washbasin

    Duravit 04548000271

  • approx. width 80cm X height 13.5cm X depth 47cm
  • (instead of Adriatic or Venice) - basin with overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin

    Villeroy & Boch 417943R1

  • approx. width 43cm X height 12.5cm X depth 43cm
  • (instead of Saturnia)
  • Photo of washbasin

    Villeroy & Boch 419861R1

  • approx. width 61cm X height 13cm X depth 41cm
  • (instead of Miami)
  • Photo of washbasin

    Villeroy & Boch 514400R1

  • approx. width 43cm X height 11.5cm X depth 43cm
  • (instead of Hawaii)
  • Photo of washbasin

    Villeroy & Boch 51480101

  • approx. width 38cm X height 11.5cm X depth 38cm
  • (instead of Paris)
  • Photo of washbasin

    Villeroy & Boch 515100R1 - with overflow

  • approx. width 63cm X height 11cm X depth 38cm
  • (instead of Miami) - basin with overflow!
  • Photo of washbasin

    Villeroy & Boch 515100R1 - without overflow

  • approx. width 58.5cm X height 11cm X depth 43cm
  • (instead of Miami)
  • Photo of washbasin

    Villeroy & Boch 710263R1

  • approx. width 63cm X height 16cm X depth 52.5cm
  • (instead of Cape Town) - Attention: significantly lower than Cape Town!
  • Or should it be a completely different tank?

    In principle, you can combine any countertop washbasin (and often also inset washbasins) and any mixer tap with our washbasin commodes. Provided it fits in terms of width and depth. You can see our selection on the website.
    If you would like to purchase a different washbasin yourself, simply send us the dimensions of your washbasin. Then we will adjust the washbasin purchase price accordingly: Our washbasin price on the website includes vanity unit, washbasin and custom cutting. If you have your own basin, the washbasin will be slightly cheaper. We calculate the washbasin price on the website minus the purchase price of the basin shown plus €30 basin replacement fee.

    If you would like to buy your own washbasin, please note the following:

  • the foot or base of your washbasin must not be larger than the worktop of the washbasin, but should have a distance of at least 3 cm to the front, right and left
  • Only countertop washbasins and inset washbasins are suitable (wall-mounted washbasins are unsuitable). need the dimensions of your washbasin (width, depth, position of the cut-outs for inlets and outlets) to cut your washbasin to size. recesses for inlets and outlets)
  • For inlet washbasins, we also need a template (usually supplied by the manufacturer, please send this to us by post). please send it to us by post)

  • Fittings: Freely selectable

    Taps are not included in the washbasin price. You are welcome to order your tap(s) from our fittings from a manufacturer of your choice. of your choice.

    Washbasins with free-standing tap:

    If you are purchasing your own tap, please send us the technical drawing so that we can check whether the tap you have selected tap fits your washbasin and basin.

    Washbasin with integrated tap hole:

    Our washbasins are all standardized, i.e. the drain hole and tap hole have standard dimensions, so that you can choose your tap freely. can freely choose your fittings.

    The Land & Liebe team

    Wir erfüllen Landhausträume

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